What’s on this year

Focus Data Science, Foster Transformation


The conference language is Chinese. For the most updated conference agenda, please refer to the notice from the organizer.

Track A: 加强国内制药企业数据管理部门建设,满足国内外监管要求

随着我国制药行业的快速发展,对医药企业的数据管理和质量控制提出了更高的要求。为了帮助国内制药企业更好地建立和完善数据管理部门,满足日益提高的国内外药监管理的要求,本届会前研讨会,主题为“加强国内制药企业数据管理部门建设,满足国内外监管要求”, 旨在促进国内制药企业在数据管理质量建设方面的互动交流,促进国内制药企业数据管理部门的发展。研讨会将分为以下两个部分:

  1. 临床试验的国内外监管要求与现场核查
  2. 国内制药企业数据管理部门质量建设

Track A: Focus on Quality in Clinical Data Management to Meet the Regulatory Requirements

With the rapid development of China’s pharmaceutical industry, higher requirements for data quality have been put forward for clinical data management. To help domestic pharmaceutical companies better establish and improve their data management quality to meet the increasingly stringent regulatory requirements, this pre-conference seminar will focus on the theme of ” Focus on Quality in Clinical Data Management to Meet the Regulatory Requirements”, aiming to promote interaction and communication among domestic pharmaceutical/biotechnology companies in the field of data management in China The seminar will be divided into the following two parts,.

  • Regulatory requirements and on-site inspection in clinical trials
  • Key factors of quality in clinical data management

Track B: 关于临床数据管理领域新技术的探讨


Track B: New Technologies in DM World

In today’s digital and intelligent era, the clinical data management is experiencing unprecedented changes. The continuous emergence of new technologies provides strong support for the efficient collection and application of clinical data. This workshop focuses on the latest technological progress in the field of clinical data management and will discuss cutting-edge topics such as AI coding and SMART query, DCT guidance combing, bring your own device (BYOD) application and ePRO experience. By sharing practical experience and cases, this workshop aims to promote the level of clinical data management and provide strong support for clinical research.




Keynote Session focuses on the Innovation and Evolution toward Clinical Data Science

This session includes keynote speech and panel discussion.



Session 1: Risk-based Data Management: Transitioning from Retrospective to Proactive to Finally Prevent Risk in Advance

With the widespread application of machine learning and generative AI technologies, the field of clinical data management is undergoing revolutionary changes. This session will delve into the evolution of clinical trial data management, transitioning from traditional retrospective analysis to the current trend of proactive predictive analysis. We will share the challenges, opportunities, and best practices encountered during this transformation. Let’s explore together the future direction of clinical data management in the era of new technologies.



Session 2 The Transformation to CDS – Explore New Professional Capabilities and Working Model Required 

Clinical Data Management (CDM) is now transforming to Clinical Data Science (CDS). This session is to explore the requirements and needs of CDM professionals’ capabilities and companies’ organizational systems during the transition period. In the process of clinical trial, from protocol design to project operation, the working mode of QbD methodology in clinical data science will be also discussed.



Session 3: Regulation and Data Standard for Clinical Trial

To support global submission, catching up with most recent regulations and data standard updates globally is essential. This session will focus on risk-based data forecasts, blinding, and standard related updates, share and discuss best practices accordingly.




Session 6: Real-world Data Curation and Construction of Special Diseases Database

Data management plays a key role in real-world data curation. It not only ensures data quality, security, and compliance, but also promotes standardization, integration, and effective utilization of data, thereby maximizing the role and value of data in healthcare industry. This session focuses on real-world data quality assurance, privacy and security protection, data standardization and integration, while also delving into the value of prospective special disease database construction for real-world data.



Session 4: The Applications and Future of New Technologies in Clinical Data Management

New technologies (including Automation Tools and Artificial intelligence) are rapidly evolving while we experienced pressing needs to continue to look for ways to enhance quality and work efficiency in a world with limited resources. New technologies are leading the way in shaping the future, this session aims to understand their benefits, limitations, and risks; to learn and explore their applications to drive technological innovation and advance data management practices!



Session 5: Exploration and Application of Digital Technology in Clinical Trials

The continuous breakthrough and development of digital technology has played a role in promoting drug clinical trials. We need to be “patient-centered”, constantly expand our vision, break through boundaries, and reduce clinical trial risks with innovative models to improve data quality and improve productivity. This session focuses on the digital construction of clinical institutions to ensure the reliability of clinical trial results. The exploration of the application of mobile technology in clinical trials, and the support of digital technology for remote monitoring in clinical trials will be discussed.


Introducing the leading minds behind the #SCDM24 programme

张薇 Wei Zhang

[SCDM中国指导委员会主席、葛兰素史克(上海)医药研发有限公司医学开发部数据管理部门负责人 SCDM China Steering Committee Chair; Head of Data Management, GSK China R&D]

颜崇超 Charles Yan

[SCDM中国指导委员会副主席、上海盛迪医药有限公司临床数据科学中心副总经理 SCDM China Steering Committee Vice Chair; Vice President, Clinical Data Science Center, Shanghai Shengdi Medicine Co., Ltd.]

张玥 Carrie Zhang

[SCDM中国指导委员会委员、上海复宏汉霖生物技术股份有限公司副总裁,全球产品开发部数据科学中心负责人 SCDM China Steering Committee Member; Vice President, Data Science Center, Global Product Development, Shanghai Henlius Biotech, Inc.]

邓亚中 Yazhong Deng

[SCDM中国指导委员会委员、北京信立达医药科技有限公司总经理 SCDM China Steering Committee Member; General Manager, Beijing Trust Medical Consulting Co., Ltd.]

田正隆 Zhenglong Tian

[SCDM中国指导委员会委员、高博医疗集团临床研究中心首席战略官兼首席数据官 SCDM China Steering Committee Member; Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Data Officer, Clinical Research Center, GoBroad Healthcare Group]

黎婉珊 Joyce Lai

[SCDM中国指导委员会委员、默沙东研发(中国)有限公司全球临床数据管理中心亚太区高级总监 SCDM China Steering Committee Member; Senior Regional Director, Clinical Data Management, Global Data Management & Standards, MSD R&D (China) Co., Ltd.]

孙华龙 Hualong Sun

[SCDM中国指导委员会委员、苏州科林利康医药科技有限公司首席战略官 SCDM China Steering Committee Member; Chief Strategy Officer, Clinical Service Center]

张蕴 Sally Zhang

[SCDM中国指导委员会委员、艾昆纬医药科技(上海)有限公司数据管理部门资深总监 SCDM China Steering Committee Member; Sr Director, Head of Great China GDM, IQVIA]

倪丽萍Annie Ni

[SCDM中国指导委员会委员、辉瑞(中国)研究开发有限公司中国临床数据科学部临床数据汇集与处理业务负责人,总监 SCDM China Steering Committee Member; Director, Program Lead, Clinical Data Acquisition, China Clinical Data Sciences, Pfizer (China) Research and Development Co., Ltd.]