Join us in Shanghai

Be part of the SCDM China Conference 2024

Focus Data Science, Foster Transformation


Welcome to the Clinical Data Management 2024 Conference, where you can not only gain industry expertise, connect and exchange ideas with clinical data management peers, but also help you discover innovative solutions to the challenges faced in clinical data management.



For group registration, please click the registration link below or scan the QR code to access the registration platform, click “Group registration” to download the registration form and then upload the filled form. You can also contact us by conference hotline or email.

早期注册优惠价 Early-bird by May 31

个人注册 Individual (3人以下)

仅参加大会 Conference Only (6.28-6.29)

标准注册价格 Standard
¥ 3, 300

现场注册价格 On-site
¥ 3, 600
团体注册 Group (3人及以上)

仅参加大会 Conference Only (6.28-6.29)

标准注册价格 Standard
¥ 3, 000

现场注册价格 On-site
¥ 3, 300
个人注册 Individual (3人以下)

会前培训和研讨 Pre-Conference Workshop Track A / Track B (6.27)

标准注册价格 Standard
¥1, 680
现场注册价格 On-site
¥ 1,800
团体注册 Group (3人及以上)

会前培训和研讨 Pre-Conference Workshop Track A / Track B (6.27)

标准注册价格 Standard
¥1, 500

现场注册价格 On-site
¥ 1,680
个人注册 Individual (3人以下)

大会+会前培训和研讨 Conference + Workshop Track A / Track B (6.27-6.29)

标准注册价格 Standard
¥4, 980

现场注册价格 On-site
¥ 5,400
团体注册 Group (3人及以上)

大会+会前培训和研讨 Conference + Workshop Track A / Track B (6.27-6.29)

标准注册价格 Standard
¥4, 500

现场注册价格 On-site
¥ 4,980

Refund Policy


If the event is cancelled by the organizer, we will refund the actual payment amount to the registrants; There will be no refund if the participant is unable to attend the event due to personal reasons.

After registration


After completing the registration process, you will receive the barcode when you log on your account at the registration platform. Please show this barcode at on-site registration desk.


报名注册、赞助、展位等请联系会务咨询热线 | For registration and sponsorship, please contact conference Hotline:+86-16621657736; 邮箱 | Email: [email protected]