Sunrise Awakening

Clear your mind and start your day with walk, yoga or a run

Group 2

brought to you
by Mednet.

Tuesday, 10 October 2023,
from 6:30 to 7:30 AM
Mental activity is great, but let’s not forget to move our bodies! On Tuesday, October 10, we have prepared a morning boost together with our sponsor Mednet to get energized for the day and increase your focus during the conference. Join us at 6:45 AM at the conference venue for our Sunrise Awakening. No matter which waking up type you are, we’ve got you covered!
Mental activity is great, but let’s not forget to move our bodies! On Tuesday, October 10, we have prepared a morning boost together with our silver sponsor Mednet to get energized for the day and increase your focus during the conference. Join us at 6:30 AM at the conference venue for our Sunrise Awakening. No matter which waking up type you are, we’ve got you covered!

Sunrise Awakening

Promenade at Hilton San Diego Bayfront for the morning yoga and hotel’s lobby for the morning run/ walk

Morning Yoga

We know how overwhelming the in-person events are, so here’s your change to calm your mind and body during our morning yoga on Tuesday, October 10 from 6:30 AM until 7:30 AM. We are hosting a 1-hour sunrise yoga session before the second day of the conference kicks off. The yoga session will be outside in a relaxing environment with a beautiful view. We will provide yoga mats, water and T-shirts, so all you have to do is show up and enjoy the flow.

Sunrise Walk / Run

Looking for a higher intensity activity? For those wanting to speed up their heartbeat, join the team on Tuesday 13 for a 5km morning walk or run where you will be able to enjoy beautiful San Diego. Water and T-shirts will be waiting for you at the start and end point of the route.
These activities are free to join. Please make sure you confirm your attendance during the registration process.
Component 3